2016-04-28 15:37 | 太奇MBA网
管理类硕士官方备考群,考生互动,择校评估,真题讨论 点击加入备考群>>考研从来不是易事,要学会坚持,要保持清醒,要保持自省与提升,要学会如何解决路上出现的问题。不退缩,不迷失只有这样不断地提升自己,不断地为自己答疑解惑,你才能既走完也走好这条考研之路。怀揣梦想,努力前行,因为希望就在前方。既然做了这个选择,那就义无反顾地走下去,哪怕路上几多荆棘。别怕,太奇MBA会陪伴你走过每一个或阴霾或阳光的日子。
1、 How many hours per week should a Teaching Assistant work for?
2、 How about the stipend of assistantship? Will it be sufficient to cover li
ving expense and tuition?
3、 How is the weather in ***? Is it hot/cold in *** in summer/winter?
4、 How is the study in your school?
5、 How is the housing
Prof: Hello, may I talk to ***?
I: Yeah, this is *** speaking、 Is that prof、 ##? Hi, good afternoon/evening/
最后: Thank you for calling, good bye、
听不清时: Sorry, I can't hear you very clearly, would you please speak a lit
tle more loudly?
I beg your pardon?
不好回答时: Well, I have no idea of it now、 Can I reply you later by email?