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2020-12-27 13:34 | 太奇MBA网

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在一系列研究中,研究人员安排芝加哥地区的通勤人员乘坐公共交通工具,大胆与身边的人交流。结果显示: 那些与人交流的参与者比那些被告知独自站立或静坐的人感觉要好。我们之所以在日常生活中羞涩于与陌生交流通常是因为我们认为别人可能不愿意与我们交流,但是,这种想法是错误的。实验结果证明:他们愿意与你交流,甚至可能因为得到你的关注而感到荣幸。
Dear Jack,
To avoid the spread of novel coronavirus, I am going to hold an online meeting instead of the traditional method , and you, as an outstanding international student, I cordially invite you to give an online lecture to us at our university.
I believe that the students will not only learn from you, but also be inspired by your extensive knowledge. I hope that you will be available for a lecture at 10:00 a.m. this Saturday in our Internet space. You will be welcome to participate fully in the activities of the conference, where 45 minutes is allocated for your lecture and 15 minutes for the Question-and-Answer session.
  I hope you are interested in this online meeting. We all look forward to seeing you at this online meeting. Your acceptance of this invitation will be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
From the information given in the chart, we can see the survey on the methods of workout among citizens in certain city. It can be seen that physical excise alone dominates the most by occupying the 54.3%, next to which is workout with friends at about 47.7%. And 23.9% and 15.8% are attributed to exercises with family and group activities.
There are two primary reasons behind this. On one hand, it is strongly convinced that that is mainly due to the fact that people increasingly attach importance to physical health by doing some outdoor exercises, especially when we are all faced with the Covid-19 all over the world and universal sub-health situation. On the other hand, due to the burdensome workload and overwhelming social requirements, it is more common for people to enjoy the carefree time.
Taking all analysis above, we can draw a conclusion that this phenomenon is attributed to the contemporary health condition among people and nowadays social needs. And it is advisable for us to promote health with friends and family to forge close


